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Brother-Eagle® DB2 Performance
Advice: Topic Index

Brother-Eagle for DB2 provides several key measurements of a database's health, efficiency, and performance. The following table provides a master topic index to all of Brother-Eagle's DB2 performance tips and expert advice which are included with the Standard Edition. Scroll down to see additional metrics that are included with Enterprise Edition.

Standard Edition Metrics Short Description (Click Metric Name for details)
Average Result Set Size Informational: Indicates if Database is OLTP or Data Warehouse.
Synchronous Read Percentage Key Health/Efficiency Indicator: The synchronous read percentage indicates the proportion of read I/O that is completed with synchronous reads. When the Synchronous Read Percentage is low, DB2 is doing a lot of scanning to find result sets. Scans occur when indexes are missing or are sub-optimally defined...
Index Read Efficiency Key Health/Efficiency Indicator: The average number of rows read to retrieve one row (ratio).
Database Files Closed Problem: The number of times that DB2 has closed files.
Package Cache Overflows Problem: The number of times that allocated Package Cache memory was insufficient and DB2 had to acquire more.
Active Applications Potential Problem: The number of currently active application connections. Enterprise Edition provides an interactive drill down to view currently active applications.
Catalog Cache Overflows Potential Problem: Indicates the number of times that Catalog Cache memory allocated was insufficient.
Average Lock Time(ms) Potential Problem: The average elapsed time of lock waits.
Locks Currently Waiting Potential Problem: The current number of database connections that are in a wait state due to lock contention. Enterprise Edition provides an interactive drill down to view current locks and contention.
Average Disk Read Time(ms) Informational/Potential Problem: The average disk response time for database physical reads.
Average Disk Write Time(ms) Informational/Potential Problem: The average disk response time for database physical writes.
Average Elapsed Sort Time(ms) Informational/Potential Problem: The average elapsed time for sorts completed in the database. High times may indicate problems...
Bufferpool Hit Ratio Health/Efficiency: Indicates the percentage of data and index page requests that are satisfied by pages already available in DB2 memory (physical I/O is avoided).
Catalog Cache Hit Ratio Health/Efficiency: Indicates the percentage of catalog object requests that are successfully satisfied by Catalog Cache memory.
Package Cache Hit Ratio Health/Efficiency: Indicates the percentage of package object requests that are successfully satisfied by Package Cache memory.
Sort Overflow Percentage Health/Efficiency: A sort overflow occurs when the SORTHEAP size is too small to complete a sort. This means that, instead of completing a sort in memory, DB2 will use I/O via the TEMPSPACE tablespace to complete the sort. Ouch...
Physical Reads per Second Rate/Potential Problem: Shows database physical read I/O activity per second. High rates may indicate the need for physical design tuning.
Selects per Transaction Informational: The average number of Select statements executed within the scope of a database transaction. May be helpful for capacity planning.
Sorts per Transaction Cost: The average number of sorts completed per transaction. Successful physical design techniques will help lower this cost...
Hash Joins per Transaction Cost: The average number of hash joins performed during each database transaction.
Logical Index Reads per Transaction Cost/Potential Problem: "Logical Index Reads/TX" can be used to identify the presence of potential index leaf page scans, as well as its value as a cost metric.
Logical Reads per Transaction Cost: One of the best cost metrics for measuring tuning efficiency and effectiveness is the "(Database Buffer) Pool Logical Reads per Transaction." By using physical design techniques to lower transaction costs, overall database, query, and application performance will be improved.
Transactions per Second Rate: The average number of database transactions completed each second. May be helpful for capacity planning purposes.
SQL per Second Rate: Shows rate of SQL activity within the database. May be helpful for capacity planning.

Brother-Eagle® Enterprise Edition Extra Metrics

Enterprise Edition Metric Short Description (Click Metric Name for details)
Current Connections Informational: Indicates the number of current connections to the database. Enterprise Edition provides interactive drill down to view all connected applications.
Log Used Percent Informational: Indicates the percentage of primary log space used.
Deadlocks Problem: Shows the number of deadlocks that have occurred. Enterprise Edition provides an interactive drill down to view current locks and contention.
Timeouts Problem: Shows the number of timeouts that have occurred.
Lock Escalations Potential Problem: Shows the number of lock escalations that have occurred.
Exclusive Lock Escalations Potential Problem: Shows the number of exclusive lock escalations that have occurred.
Private Sortheap Allocated Informational: Shows the amount of memory allocated to private sort heap in 4K pages.
Total Sorts Potential Problem: Shows the total number of sorts that have occurred.
Sort Overflows Potential Problem: Shows the total number of sort overflows that have occurred.
Active Sorts Potential Problem: Shows the number of currently executing sorts.

Brother-Panther® Metrics

Performance Metric Short Description (Click Metric Name for details)
Solid State Disk (SSD) Weight Informational: Ranks tablespaces according to those that would benefit the most from placement onto SSD.