Team with the best
Database Performance Tools
company in the World

Database Administrators

We've made it easy!

Six mouse clicks. That's all it takes. Well, sometimes it can be done in three, but we're trying to be humble and conservative. In six mouse clicks or fewer, the DBI tools will:
  1. Make it easy to triage which databases have the worst problems or greatest opportunities for improvement
  2. Provide extended insight to measure response times, SLA attainments, and response time distributions to determine if a performance issue is a database issue or not, and, if it is, then identify what is the time resource bottleneck
  3. Isolate the specific root cause problem SQL/XML statements that are the cause of the database time bottleneck, or the statements that are causing SLAs to not be met
  4. Explain the root cause problem statements in a simple yet comprehensive format that automatically pulls together all of the information needed to make quality performance improvements
  5. Optionally pass one or more root-cause costly statements to the database's design advisor for physical design advice
  6. Optionally implement a physical design improvement or save it to an external file for change control procedures

A quick case study

In Boulder Colorado, two Database Administrators had spent six months trying to identify, isolate, and solve a slow application response time problem. With DBI tools, the issue was solved in about two hours and a CPU upgrade was avoided.

Document Your Success

The DBI tools automatically track dozens of database performance KPIs, system resource utilization metrics (CPU, Memory), SLA attainments, and changes that can impact performance - all on easy to read charts and graphs for any timeframe of interest. Now you are fully equipped to demonstrate your success to management!

Make Changes without Fear

If a database change is made (memory, configuration, registry variables, indexes, etc), it is important to measure and verify the success of any change. You will be able to visually see lower CPU utilization, lower I/O costs, improved response times, and improved SLA attainments as a direct consequence of your tuning changes. Trend charts also provide a rolling log of configuration change history, so now you can answer that question "WHAT CHANGED?!?!?" in just two mouse clicks!

The DBI Difference

DBI uses a patented method and technique for automating the complex analysis of distributed database performance. Where other commodity solutions often focus on activity rates and raw counts, DBI focuses on meaningful averages, ratios, and cost metrics, and our solutions perform this analysis with the lowest overhead in the industry. We turn data into information and information into actionable insight - usually in six mouse clicks or less.

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We've got all the right tools to make Performance Fire Prevention and Fighting EASY and FAST, plus we equip you with the means to graphically document your success to management.


Making YOU look great!


Helping YOU prove it!

Product Resources

Compare DBI's product with IBM and Quest

Compare our Alert systems to the IBM DB2 Health Monitor