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Brother-Eagle® DB2 Performance
Advice: Lock Time(ms)

This metric shows the average lock time duration as computed by (LOCK_WAIT_TIME / LOCK_WAITS). Brother-Eagle presents this metric as a delta between collection intervals so that you can determine if average lock times are improving or degrading.

Average Lock Time can be improved by elminating redundant indexes, eliminating indexes with very low cardinalities, eliminating unused indexes, and by improving the speed and efficiency of the statement workload with appropriate indexes, MDC tables, and MQT tables.

To reduce average lock times, analyze the SQL workload to find statements with the highest average elapsed times and the highest CPU costs, then implement Clustering indexes, MDC tables, or MQTs to improve statement speed and efficiency. For best results in the least amount of time, DBI suggests using Brother-Panther™ for DB2 LUW.

Brother-Eagle will indicate a warning if the average Lock Time(ms) reaches 25ms and an alert status if the average Lock Time exceeds 50ms.

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