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25 APR 10am: "Willie's Winging It!" w/ IBM DB2 z/OS Rockstar Willie Favero

April 22, 2014, 1:12 pm
Posted by Scott in General
There are new shows scheduled on that you won't want to miss! Check out the show schedule and register! Here are some highlights...

The DB2Night Show™ Schedule

Visit for details, registration links, and replay links!

  • 25 APR 10am CDT: Willie's Winging It with Willie Favero, IBM labs. Send your questions for Willie to db2nightshow "at" or tweet "#DB2Night (your question) @wfavero @mhubel @db2nightshow".
  • 2 MAY 10am CDT: The DB2 LUW Ingest Utility with Mark Gillis, Triton Consulting
  • 9 MAY 10am CDT: Practical DB2 11 for z/OS Performance in a Nutshell with Cristian Molaro
  • 16 MAY - No show! Go to IDUG instead! Use discount code DB2GotTalent14 to save $200 off your registration if you haven't registered yet!
  • 23 MAY 10am CDT: DB2 DPF Successes: Monitoring and Tuning a hybrid IBM Infosphere Warehouse with guest Pavan Kristipati, Sr. DBA, Huntington Bank
  • 6 JUNE 10am CDT: Why Wait!?!? DB2 LUW Locking featuring Paul Turpin, Sr. DBA, BB&T
  • 20 JUNE 10am CDT: DB2 in the Cloud - an update with Leon Katsnelson, IBM

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