Heard about any data breaches lately? Learn DB2 LUW Security and Auditing

Posted by Scott on August 31, 2015, 8:50 pm
in General ( The DB2Night Show News)

The DB2Night Show begins Season #7 with guest Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 Brain Surgeon, on 4 September 2015 at 10am CDT talking about DB2 LUW Security and Auditing! Her presentation titled "Who's Knocking at your Door?" will keep you on the edge of your seats while she carbo loads your brain muscles with ideas and best practices for security and auditing! REGISTER NOW!
The DB2Night Show begins Season #7 with guest Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 Brain Surgeon, on 4 September 2015 at 10am CDT talking about DB2 LUW Security and Auditing! Her presentation titled "Who's Knocking at your Door?" will keep you on the edge of your seats while she carbo loads your brain muscles with ideas and best practices for security and auditing! REGISTER NOW!

Yes, it's true, DB2 LUW security and auditing isn't as sexy or as much fun as database tuning, but it is IMPORTANT and you NEED to do it!!

Since this special show kicks off our 7th season, and since Melanie has a mountain of valuable information to share, this show has been scheduled for 90 minutes.

Hope to see you in our studio audience!



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