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Trust Is Built on a Series of Positive, Repeated Experiences

June 16, 2015, 4:00 am
Posted by Lacy in Productivity
Trust Is Built on a Series of Positive, Repeated Experiences By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software

Part 2: Trust = Speed: How to Give Permission with Confidence

You are the decider. Your job is to see the way forward, strategize the best way to get there, and make decisions every day that will take you closer to your goal. Key to your success as an executive is making the right decisions. Key to your subordinates’ success is providing the right information that you need so you can make the right decisions and give them permission to move forward. Giving permission is really “extending trust.” Earned trust gives you confidence, and confidence results in speedy decisions in a world where speed equals profit.

There are two keys to giving permission with confidence, keys that you must instill in your team, and insist on in your company:

  1. Insist on an accurate, fact-based problem statement, which I discussed in my previous blog.
  2. Instill in your culture that trust is built on a series positive, repeated experiences, which is my focus in this blog.

Trust is built on a series of positive, repeated experiences. Whether it’s work life or personal life, that’s just how trust rolls. Our DBI pureFeat™ software tools for IBM DB2 LUW set up your IT team to take advantage of trust acceleration via demonstrated, positive, repeated experiences.

Here’s how: when a DBA says, “This is a problem I want to fix. This is the solution. Can I have permission?” Once you give permission and the solution is pushed out, our software, which detected the problem, now measures and verifies the success of the change, giving you confidence both that the problem was solved, and that it didn’t create other problems in the process. The DBA can show you trend charts and comparisons so you can see the performance before and after. The DBA can show you that nothing suffered because of the fix he or she implemented.

As you go through this process several times with your IT team, you’ll begin to take a lot of comfort and trust in their ability to compare and know with confidence that the action that was taken actually made things better - and maybe a lot better than anybody expected!

We see this regularly. Your DBA puts a new index in the database, and not only did that one problem statement benefit, but 20 other statements benefited also! Now you’re doing the happy dance (technical term) both because your team did no harm - and they made things measurably and verifiably better. And the more often they do this, the more confidence they have, the more trust you have, and the faster they can secure permission to implement a fix in the future, all because our tools generate the granular information that a DBA can take up the chain. It’s the speed of trust.

In part 3 of this blog, I’ll talk about what happens to a business where trust is low.

What You Must Know
Trust is built on a series positive, repeated experiences—set up systems that make this easier.

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