Team with the best
Db2® LUW Performance Tools
company in the World

But Wait—There’s More!

By Scott Hayes, President and Founder, DBI Software
There’s always more when it comes to the amazing, apparently indispensable inventions we’re bombarded with on TV, often in the form of getting a second one absolutely free. However, there is always a little catch too...

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Understanding the Seductive Power of Free

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software
There are few words more powerful than free when it comes to rousing us to action, prompting us to surrender information, and motivating us to spend money. But, FREE isn't always free.

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Obamacare and the Health of YOUR Database

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software
Replace excuses with solutions by instantly identifying database problems using pureFeat™.

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Speed = Profit

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software
Databases aren’t just about entering and retrieving information, they’re about entering and retrieving information fast. And the faster you do it, the greater your profit.

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If It’s One Neck You’re Looking to Choke - Make Sure It’s Not Your Own

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software
In the database world, when something goes wrong, an organization wants one person responsible for the situation, and for fixing it. So someone on your team has a designated vendor whose neck you can reach out and choke if something goes wrong. But isn't this creating an even bigger problem? Keep reading to find out how Scott Hayes handles the situation.

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The Secret Way to Make Your Quarterly Numbers

By DBI Software
In the C-Suite, you live and die by the numbers, and right now the third quarter is looking bad. What do you do? Read further to find the surprising answer to achieving real savings!

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You Don’t Really Solve DB Problems by Throwing Money at Them

By DBI Software

By DBI Software
There is no good time for your business to grind to a halt because of a sick database, but a debilitating database disease seems to erupt at the worst possible time. Don't succumb to panic and throw money at the problem. Here's what you need to know to save yourself time, money, and heartache!

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