Putting Your Money Where Your Philosophy Is

Posted by Lacy on May 18, 2015, 10:01 pm
in General ( Velocity for Executives)

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software

There's a reason our tools are patented and award winning. There's a reason we have a 98% client retention rate. Learn about our philosophy, and how it can help you.

Putting Your Money Where Your Philosophy Is

By Scott Hayes, President and Founder, DBI Software

There’s a reason our tools are patented and award winning. There’s a reason we have a 98% client retention rate. Learn about our philosophy, and how it can help you.

You’ve heard the old saw that goes like this, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” For the last 15 years, my fundamental business philosophy has been this:

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime;

Sell the educated fisherman poles, lures, and bait, and you can make a difference and make a dollar.”

When people are hungry - that is, are experiencing database slowdown or paralysis - we feed them in the form of a free database diagnosis, or a paid consulting agreement so they can learn how we can rapidly mitigate their crisis. After all, when people are hungry, that’s all they can really think about.

When people want to learn how to fish - that is learn how to be the best of the best in their field (in my case, the IBM DB2 LUW database)—we teach them. That’s why we’ve made available to everyone a library of free DB2 training resources worth over $23 million via The DB2Night Show™. These resources have been downloaded over 500,000 times. And why do we do this? First, because we’ve built our entire company around the principle of helpfulness. Second, because, as clothier Sy Syms famously said, “A well-educated consumer is our best customer.” Which brings me to my next point.

When well-fed, well-educated people actually fish, we sell them really great poles, lures, and bait. There’s a reason our tools are patented and award winning. There’s a reason we have a 98% client retention rate. Customers who know enough to know better choose us and never look back.

What You Must Know

A well-educated consumer should be your best customer.

What would your business be like if it ran 4x faster?

We'll present a methodology and key metrics to help you achieve rapid, measurable, and significant performance gains in your DB2 LUW databases in minutes!

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