Speed = Capacity

Posted by Lacy on June 2, 2015, 4:35 am
in Productivity ( Velocity for Executives)

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software

Track more information, serve more users - and do it with the equipment you already have, just by optimizing your database. Learn how one customer did just that - 4x faster!

Speed = Capacity<br />

By Scott Hayes ( @srhayes ), President and Founder, DBI Software

Track more information, serve more users - and do it with the equipment you already have, just by optimizing your database. Learn how one customer did just that - 4x faster!

In business, it’s easy to see how speed equals profits - employees can work faster, customers can find and order what they want faster, and inventory turns faster. That’s why blue chip companies from around the country engage us to use our patented, award-winning software to keep their IBM DB2 LUW databases running at peak capacity.

But what’s often overlooked is that an optimized, fast database allows you do more with it - track more information, serve more users - and do it with the equipment you already have, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in CPUs, memory, and licenses. That was the story of PrimeSource, a client of ours who saved $300,000 in planned purchases while adding more users and more data.

Dallas-based PrimeSource is the largest purveyor of fasteners in the world and one of the largest distributors of building materials in North America. In March of 2014, PrimeSource was facing one of the most serious problems a thriving company can encounter: their SAP database had become painfully slow, effecting orders, inventory control, and resulting in a growing chorus of complaints. Like so many leading businesses do, they turned to us.

DBI Software was able to rapidly discover what was slowing down PrimeSource’s database by isolating what cost the most, what hurt the most, and then implementing a targeted solution for each problem. In less than 24 personnel hours, PrimeSource’s SAP DB2 LUW database was running four times faster. .

Because of this, they were able to do two critical things: first, they were able to do more. Although PrimeSource’s operations stretch across North America, their database was only able to serve the US part of their business. Now they were able to include their Canadian users and Canadian data.

Second, they were able to save more. Before turning to DBI, PrimeSource, like so many businesses facing a database challenge, thought the only way to resolve their problem was to buy more non-refundable CPUs, memory, and licenses. But because of their collaboration with DBI, they were able to avoid that significant and unbudgeted expense.

Speed lets you do more with what you already have, and that’s why leading companies like PrimeSource trust us with their toughest database problems.

What You Must Know

Speed lets you do more with what you already have.

Free White Paper “Open in Case of Emergency:  The C-level Emergency Guide to Database Problems.”

Learn how to: Control spiraling costs in an emergency. Solve business-threatening problems instantly. Cut through the fog when no one knows what to do.

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