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DB2 LUW Performance: Concurrent I/O Best Practices

March 27, 2011, 11:51 am
Posted by Scott in DB2 Performance Best Practices
Jeyabarathi ("JB") is a polished IBM Professional and DB2's GOT TALENT Top 5 Finalist. Throughout this contest, JB has consistently delighted our judges and impressed our audiences with quality advice on topics such as "db2dart", using HADR to migrate data, and tuning multi-terabyte databases. During her 25 March presentation, JB elaborated further on I/O optimization with a deep dive on Concurrent I/O. WATCH THE REPLAY, LEARN from JB, and then VOTE for your favorite contestants. Polls close 7 April 2011 at 3pm Central.

Cheers, Scott
DBI Software

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