Team with the best
Db2® LUW Performance Tools
company in the World

DB2 LUW Performance: Average Result Set Size (ARSS)

What type of database do you have?

You might think you have an OLTP transactional database. Or, you might think you have a Data Warehouse database. But what does your database think? How is it, or the queries within it, really performing?

The Average Result Set Size

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by Scott in General

Who Wants to Learn about DB2 LUW Performance?

When Kim Moutsos contacted me about the opportunity to blog for DB2 Magazine, I was thrilled. What better way, I thought, could there be to help DB2 users improve the performance and security of their databases than to blog about these topics?

I told Kim that one of the first things I'd like to do would be to teach online excerpts from my IDUG Education Seminar "DB2 LUW Performance Diagnosis Lab".

So, let's get started.

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by Scott in General

DB2 LUW Performance - A New Home

I've been writing the DB2 LUW Performance blogs on for about three years. The site used to be called but IBM "upgraded" it about a year ago. Unfortunately, the IBM DB2 community is about to suffer the loss of a very valuable information asset --- IBM intends to stop printing IBM Database Magazine and is scheduled to go off the air around 30 April 2009. So, the DB2 LUW Performance blogs need a new home - even if temporary. Here they are. I hope you continue to enjoy this valuable reference material.

Best regards,
Scott Hayes
President & CEO, DBI
IBM GOLD Consultant
IBM Data Champion

by Scott in General
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