DB2 LUW Performance: Good News! A new IBM Red Book is Born!

Posted by Scott on September 4, 2012, 11:29 pm
in DB2 News ( DB2 Performance)

Get your free PDF copy of Unleashing DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows! Here is an abstract of the new book...
Get your free PDF copy of Unleashing DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows! Here is an abstract of the new book...

Unleashing DB2 10 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides a broad understanding of the key features in IBM DB2® 10 and how to use these features to get more value from business applications. It includes information about the following features:

This book is for database administrators and application developers who are considering DB2 10 for a new installation, an upgrade from a previous version of DB2, or a migration from a vendor product. It explains key features and illustrates concepts with real-world examples to provide a clear idea of how powerful these features are. Together, these features provide functionality that lower operational costs, ease development, and provide greater reliability.

What I like about this Redbook

Typical of IBM Redbooks, this one is full of examples. I've put a copy of the PDF right on my desktop for quick and easy reference. I also like that the book is focused on "core" DB2 without marketing or mention of "extras." It contains eight chapters and 162 pages of excellent reference material. icon_cool

Where can you learn more about DB2 10?

Check out replays of these episodes of The DB2Night Show™:

The DB2Night Show Begins its 4TH Season!

Do you have DB2 LUW performance questions? Our special guest, Steve Rees from the IBM Canada Lab, has your answers on September 7th (Part1) and September 21st (Part 2). Check out
www.DB2NightShow.com for our show schedule, details, and registration links for your free seat in our studio audiences!

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