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DB2 LUW Performance: Direct I/O Times

Returning our attention to the question "Where does the time go?", we need to look at Direct I/O times. Direct I/O is I/O that occurs directly to disk without an intermediate visit or presence in the Bufferpools. Direct I/O is used by DB2 in support of LONG and LOB objects. Even if you think you are not using LONG and LOB objects, you are implicitly using them as these data types are found throughout the DB2 catalog.

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by Scott in DB2 Performance Metrics

DB2 LUW Performance: More on Locks

First, my apologies for being away from the blog keyboard for so long. Kim Moutsos actually contacted me to see if I was still alive. Truth be known, my grandmother died, my father is in the hospital battling cancer, and I've been traveling the US States quite a bit helping companies save millions in software and hardware costs. Nonetheless, here's a quickie on some lock formulas and other updates. The good news is, I suppose, I'm accumulating a great deal of new material to share with you in future posts.

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by Scott in General

DB2 LUW Performance: Fighting Over Data - LOCKS

Every once in a while I hear a DBA say they are having Lock problems. Since read-only or read-mostly Data Warehouse databases rarely have lock problems, I quickly assume they have an OLTP database. It is my opinion that locks are rarely, if ever, a PROBLEM. Locks are a SYMPTOM of another very real problem.

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by Scott in General

Statement Analysis Intro - Hunting Elephants and Mosquitoes

In the prior blog post, we learned how to determine if your database is CPU bound, lock bound, sort bound, or I/O bound, and how to determine if a performance problem is attributable to the database or not. We will now turn our attention to statement analysis methodologies so that we can discover the sources of bottlenecks. "Statements" is broadly defined to include both classic SQL and newer XML queries.

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by Scott in General

DB2 LUW Performance: Sorts - The silent performance killer

In one of the earlier blog posts "DB2 LUW Performance: Key Cost Measures", we introduced the number of sorts per transaction (SRTTX). In a more recent post "DB2 LUW Performance: The Most Important Cost", we looked at the importance of measuring Bufferpool Logical Reads per Transaction (BPLRTX). If performing excessive and unnecessary logical I/O is the number one performance killer for a database (and it usually is), then performing excessive and unnecessary sorts is the number two performance killer in most databases.

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by Scott in General

DB2 LUW Performance: The DNA Test of Performance Accountability

The database is often presumed guilty if there is a performance issue. But your database seems fine; all the symptoms of good performance are present, so now how do you prove the innocence of your database?

In the prior blog post, I provided a checklist of some metrics that would help you assemble your defense if it was asserted that your database was the source of performance problems. But those ratios and indicators are just circumstantial evidence of probable innocence. Here comes the DNA test. It's hard. It's time consuming. It's complex. But the analytical effort just might help get you out of the hot seat and properly direct a performance issue to application or networking teams...

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by Scott in DB2 Performance How-To

DB2 LUW Performance: I/O Write Times (OWMS)

If your database updates its data via Inserts, Updates, Deletes, Imports, or Loads, then this blog post is for you. Write times tend to be slower than read times, and synchronous writes can be particularly painful. When tuning your databases, it is desirable to achieve a high percentage of Asynchronous writes as this type of write is faster. We need to learn the average write time for the database overall, and write times for each tablespace.

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by Scott in General

DB2 LUW Performance: I/O Read Times (ORMS)

In the next few blog posts, we'll take a look at formulas for time metrics so that we can understand "where the time goes" and uncover bottlenecks. Since both OLTP and Data Warehouse databases perform a great deal of I/O read activity, we'll begin by looking at metrics for computing important read times.

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by Scott in General

DB2 LUW Performance: DB2 is ALIVE and WELL and IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!

It is an unfortunate reality that the database and the DBA are too often presumed guilty by default. Everyone tends to want to blame the database first, even though performance degradation could be caused by network problems, storage problems, the Web server, sun spots, or poor application coding. So, as a database professional, how do you get yourself out of the hot seat and prove your database's innocence? Here's a checklist to assemble your defense:

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by Scott in General
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