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DB2 LUW Performance: Full Day Ed Seminar at IDUG AP - Instructions

IDUG AP 2010 Logo

Are you attending IDUG AP in Sydney? I hope so! The hard working volunteers at IDUG asked me to repeat my extremely successful and popular Ed Seminar from North America 2010 - "DB2 LUW Performance Analysis and Tuning Workshop".

To obtain maximum value from this class, you should follow the preparation instructions from THIS EARLIER BLOG POST (Click Here).

If you are not attending IDUG AP Sydney, don't worry - you have another chance at IDUG EMEA in Vienna Austria! This class is worth the trip! You will be receiving over thirty six (36) SQL Snapshot commands that will help you analyze and tune your DB2 LUW databases!

Finally, please don't plan on leaving early if you can avoid it. At IDUG North America, there were so many good questions and so much lively discussion that we actually ran long by a couple of hours. After class, we'll find the nearest pub and have a graduation ceremony to celebrate your success.

See you at IDUG,

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by Scott in DB2 News
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