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The DB2Night Show Z101: Distributed best practices for Db2

Presented by: Adrian Burke

"The DB2Night Show Z101: Distributed best practices for Db2 today...and tomorrow"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Adrian gave a detailed presentation on workload balancing and monitoring distributed access. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z100: Show and tell - Agile development practices

Presented by: Patrick Bossman

"The DB2Night Show #Z100: Show and tell - Agile development practices"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Patrick gave a short presentation followed by a detailed demo. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z99: Db2 for z/OS Know your Limits!

Presented by: Roy Boxwell
Sr. DB2 Product Specialist
Segus / Software Engineering

Db2 for z/OS Know your Limits

EVERYBODY (100%) in our audience learned something! Roy described the impact of limits on Db2 processing and their effect on Db2 processing. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z98: Optimizing Data Transformation with Db2 & IDAA

Presented by: Maryela Weihrauch
Distinguished Engineer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show Z98: Optimizing Data Transformation with Db2 for z/OS and IDAA"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Maryela discussed ETL problems and solutions in the z/OS environment. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z97: Why does the Db2 for z/OS Optimizer need a Data Sci

Presented by: Sheryl Larsen
Worldwide Db2 Z Solutions Ambassador , BMC Software

"The DB2Night Show #Z97: Why does the Db2 for z/OS Optimizer need a Data Scientist?"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Sheryl discussed the new Db2ZAI product that enhances the Db2 optimizer. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z96: Db2 for z/OS Latest News and Future Directions

Presented by: Jeff Josten
Distinguished Engineer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show Z96: Db2 for z/OS Latest News and Future Directions"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

97% of our studio audience learned something!Jeff gave a summary of some of the latest news and deliveries from Db2 for z/OS development. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

Db2Night Show #z95: Db2 Batch System Design for High Performance

Presented by: Neal Lozins

"The DB2Night Show #Z95: Db2 Batch System Design for High Performance"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

94% of our studio audience learned something!Neal described the issues, challenges and techniques for designing optimal batch applications. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

Db2Night Show #z94: Data Masking for Db2 on z/OS

Presented by: Kai Stroh
UBS Hainer

"The DB2Night Show #Z94: Data Masking for Db2 on z/OS"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Kai described the requirements and issues when creating Db2 test data. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

Db2Night Show #Z93: Best Design and Performance Practices for Analytics

Presented by: Dave Beulke, IBM Gold Consultant and Champion for IM

"The Db2Night Show z93: Best Design and Performance Practices for Analytics"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dave provided information and information resources that should help the any ML project. A must-see!Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The Db2Night Show #z92 - Distributed access to Db2 for z/OS: top things

Presented by: Cristian Molaro
IBM Champion and Gold Consultant

"The DB2Night Show #Z92: Distributed access to Db2 for z/OS: top things to know"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something!Cristian covered all aspects of distributed access to Db2. A must see show! Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The Db2Night Show #z91 - z/OS: Machine Learning and Db2 for z/OS

Presented by: Terry Purcell
Lead Designer, Db2 Optimizer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show #Z91: Machine Learning and Db2 for z/OS"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Terry covered how the Db2 optimizer is changing to incorporate machine learning features. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The Db2Night Show #z90 - z/OS: Total Recall: Exploiting In-Memory Features

Presented by: Julian Stuhler
Principal Consultant, Triton

"The DB2Night Show #Z90: Total Recall: Exploiting In-Memory Features"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Julian covered the important features relating to in-memory features and gave good recommendations on their use. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

Db2Night Show #z89: Are you just gonna play in the buffer pool or own it?

Presented by: Adrian Burke
DB2 for z/OS SWAT team

"The DB2Night Show #Z89: Are you just gonna play in the buffer pool or own it?"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Adrian talked about changes to buffer pool behavior, performance, and management across recent DB2 releases. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z87: Db2 RESTful Service Support and z/OS Connect

Presented by: Maryela Weihrauch
Distinguished Engineer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show Z87: Db2 RESTful Service Support and z/OS Connect"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Maryela showed how SQL and stored procedures in Db2 on z/OS can be made available in the era of application assembly and integrate with z/OS Connect EE. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z86: Pre-IDUG Db2 for z/OS Update

Presented by: Jeff Josten
Distinguished Engineer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show Z86: Pre-IDUG Db2 for z/OS Update"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Jeff gave a summary of some of the latest news and deliveries from Db2 for z/OS development. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z85: Db2 12 Continuous Delivery - New challenges

Presented by: Roy Boxwell
Sr. DB2 Product Specialist
Segus / Software Engineering

Db2 12 Continuous Delivery - New challenges

EVERYBODY (100%) in our audience learned something! Roy did a great job describing the challenges we face with Db2 12 Continuous Delivery. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z84: Revival of the SQL Tuner

Presented by: Sheryl Larsen
Sr. DB2 Product – Specialist, BMC Software

"The DB2Night Show #Z84: Revival of the SQL Tuner"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something!Sheryl presented about increasing the attendee’s ability to identify and fix access path problems. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z83: Copy Smarter - Unload/Load, DSN1COPY and beyond

Presented by: Kai Stroh
UBS Hainer

"The DB2Night Show #Z83: Copy Smarter - Unload/Load, DSN1COPY and beyond"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

96% of our studio audience learned something!Kai described the requirements and issues of copying Db2 data between environments. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z82: The Db2 12 Catalog -- What happened since Db2 11

Presented by: Steen Rasmussen
CA technologies

"The DB2Night Show #Z82: The Db2 12 Catalog -- What happened since Db2 11"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Steen described the Db2 12 catalog changes abd their role in support new and improved Db2 features. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z81: Experiences using Db2 z Transparent DS Encryption

Presented by: James Pickel
DB2 for z/OS SWAT team

"The DB2Night Show #Z81: Early experiences using Db2 for z/OS Transparent Data Set Encryption"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Jim described pervasive encryption for DB2 and the steps to implement it. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z80: DevOps and Cloud Provisioning for Db2 z

Presented by: Patrick Bossman
DB2 for z/OS SWAT team

"The DB2Night Show #Z80: DevOps and Cloud Provisioning for Db2 z"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Patrick gave many tips for improving developer and DBA productivity by reducing waits in the development process. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z79: zIIP Experiences: Exploitation Not Abuse

Presented by: Adrian Burke
DB2 for z/OS SWAT team

"The DB2Night Show #Z79: zIIP Experiences: Exploitation Not Abuse"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Adrian gave many tips for the proper use and exploitation of zIIP processors. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show z78: IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Update

Presented by: Peter Bendel
IBM STSM, Germany

"The DB2Night Show z78: IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Update"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Peter gave insight into the many new enhancements of the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z77: DB2 12 Update

Presented by: Jeff Josten
Distinguished Engineer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show Z77: DB2 12 Update"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Jeff did a great of describing the highlights in DB2 12 and beyond. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z76: DB2 SQL Tuning Tips

Presented by: Tony Andrews
Instructor and Consultant, Themis Inc.

"The DB2Night Show Z76: DB2 SQL Tuning Tips"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

97% of our studio audience learned something!Tony described many SQL coding issues that cause bad performance and then discussed the solutions. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z75: SQL Tuning in the Digital World

Presented by: Sheryl Larsen
Sr. DB2 Product – Specialist, BMC Software

"The DB2Night Show Z75: SQL Tuning in the Digital World"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

94% of our studio audience learned something!Sheryl looked at how the data and transaction flood can be further affected by bad SQL and access paths. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

DB2Night Show #z74: DB2 Utilities: Changes you should know

Presented by: Klaas Brant
Klaas Brant, IBM Gold Consultant and Champion for IM

"The DB2Night Show z74: DB2 Utilities: Changes you should know"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Klaas shared must know information on DB2 utilities and changes in DB2 11. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

DB2Night Show #z73: Justified Big Data Performance transforms your business

Presented by: Dave Beulke
Dave Beulke, IBM Gold Consultant and Champion for IM

"The DB2Night Show z73: Justified Big Data Performance transforms your business"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dave shared information on the IDAA with techniques to justify its savings as well as workload tuning tips to take better advantage of the IDAA. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z72: DB2 for z/OS Distributed Access - In the Mobile Age

Presented by: Adrian Burke
DB2 for z/OS SWAT team

"The DB2Night Show #Z72: DB2 for z/OS Distributed Access - In the Mobile Age"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Adrian gave many tuning and management tips for distributed and mobile apps. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z71: DB2 12 Preview

Presented by: Jeff Josten
IBM Distinguished Engineer, DB2 z/OS Development

"The DB2Night Show #Z71: DB2 12 Preview"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something!Jeff provided a concise, clear overview of the new features in DB2 12 for z/OS. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS
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