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The DB2Night Show #39: TOP DB2 LUW Support Issues with Triton Consulting

The DB2Night Show sets new records with TOP DB2 LUW Support Issues

Episode #39 set a new record for studio audience attendee registrations. Attendees also rated this show very highly with comments like "all db2nightshows are great... and today's one was no exception. thank you very much Scott&DBI" Our special guest was Julian Stuhler, Director Triton Consulting and an IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant. Julian, or "Jules" as most people call him, shared with our audience an assortment of DB2 Support issues that he and the Triton team have conquered. Several excellent tips were offered to help people avoid big mistakes...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

DB2'S GOT TALENT - Contestant Confidentiality Update

If you are a contestant or are considering becoming a contestant, please be aware that you will be introduced by your first name and country of origin only. You may share additional contact details at your discretion. Full names, companies, and countries of origin for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be announced on 8 April 2011. Please refer to DB2'S GOT TALENT Contest Details for more information.
by Scott in General
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