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The DB2Night Show #113: DB2 Customer Success Story from a REAL DB2 customer

Kshitij Kohli, Church Mutual Insurance

Special Guest: Kshitij Kohli, Sr. DBA, Church Mutual Insurance Company

DB2 Customer Success Story - Implementing a NEW DB2 LUW Application

100% of our studio audience learned something! During this episode of The DB2Night Show™, "Kohli", Sr. DBA at Church Mutual and 2012 DB2's GOT TALENT Winner, shared with us several valuable tips and techniques for achieving GREAT performance from DB2! How can you get fast index access from a LIKE %string% predicate? How can you tune your I/O subsystem? How can you measure performance and make the case for safely and successfully upgrading to a new DB2 release or version? Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW
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