IDUG Event News
- Thanks to DBI Software, DanL Consulting, and Gunning Technologies, IDUG will be offering a "Wake Up with IDUG Networking Event" Tuesday-Friday 7am-8am in the GARDEN room, 4th Level. Coffee, tea, and baked goods will be served.
- CA is having a reception at Lucky Strike Bowling Tuesday evening, visit their booth for tickets and information.
- IBM is having a reception event Wednesday evening, likely at the Sheraton, visit their booth for details.
- Don't miss the IDUG Dine-Around Dinner Events Thursday evening - sign up sheets will be made available after the opening keynote session. Make a stampede to these sign up sheets as fast as you can to make your dinner selections! DanL and Scott Hayes are dinner "hosts" at The Arrogant Butcher.
- Be sure to visit DBI's Booth #105. Professional Magician Frank Velasco will be performing magic tricks for your entertainment, and DBI will give you some of the tricks to take home to share with your friends, family, and peers.
Breaking News via Twitter
Visit and bookmark these Twitter feeds (you don't need to be a twitter user to view these posts) :
- @idugdb2 Official IDUG
- @srhayes Scott Hayes - DB2 LUW performance guru, IBM Information Management Champion, & DB2 GOLD Consultantant
- @mkrafick Mike Krafick - DB2 comic and IBM Information Management Champion
- @ember_crooks Ember Crooks - blogger, IBM Information Management Champion, & DB2 GOLD Consultantant
- @mstopfer1 Melanie Stopfer - world famous IBM DB2 teacher that is addicted to chocolate chip cookies
- @susvis Susan Visser - IBM's most popular blogger, DB2's GOT TALENT judge, and social media curator.
- @db2fred Fred Sobotka - DB2 comic and XML brain surgeon.
- @pault99 Paul Turpin, nice guy, seasoned DB2 pro, excellent speaker
- @ibm_db2 IBM DB2
- @pkgcache Fred & Ian - Podcast publishers at
- @craigmullins Craig Mullins - he writes those hefty thick DB2 bible books
- @danl_database Dan Luksetich - most awesome SQL coder in the world
- @db2performance Tweets mostly about DB2 LUW Performance stuff, tips, events, tricks
- @db2nightshow Tweets mostly about The DB2Night Show™ events, shows, replays, and ReTweets entertaining and informative content
Better yet, don't just visit, FOLLOW! Even Better - Get Mobile Notifications! @mkrafick and @db2fred say some really funny things and you don't want to miss their wit and wisdom!
Recommended DB2 LUW Tech Sessions
Choosing sessions can be very hard. Sometimes you want to attend because you've heard or know there is a great speaker. Sometimes the content interests you. And sometimes you just can't decide because there are conflicting great sounding sessions.
On DBI Software's Keynote Chairdrop sponsorship (it is like junk mail, but actually worthwhile, and delivered to your chair Tuesday morning), and listed here for redundancy (in case you somehow miss the keynote or misplace the Chairdrop), the follow sessions are recommended by Scott Hayes for IBM DB2 LUW attendees based on knowledge of speakers, content, lack of marketing, and perceived educational value. Individual preferences may vary. At the very least, you can use this list to break ties if you can't decide between two sessions.
The hyperlinks below take you to IDUG's site for more detailed information on each session.
Monday 12 May
Tuesday 13 May
- BLU Acceleration: The Future of Analytics in the Era of Faster than RAM Computing (Spotlights)
- D01 - DB2 Internals for Administrators : Updated for Latest Release - Part 1 (DB2 for LUW - II)
- D02 - DB2 Internals for Administrators : Updated for Latest Release - Part 2 (DB2 for LUW - II)
- If you have SAP running on DB2 LUW, a good alternate is C02 - Medtronic's Experience with SAP running on DB2 (DB2 for LUW - I)
- G03 - Getting Black and Blue with Blu - Leveraging DB2 on Commodity Hardware
- If BLU doesn't interest you, a good alternate is E03- Why Low Cardinality Indexes Negatively Impact Performance. You can also watch this excellent presentation via a REPLAY of the The DB2Night Show™
- G04 - Things I Know That You Probably Should Too! (Ala Carte)
Don't miss the grand opening of the IDUG Exhibit Hall! Get your Passport to Prizes card stamped!
Wednesday 14 May
- D05 - Attack of the Blob! (Managing BLOBs within a DB2 database) (DB2 for LUW - II) Michael Krafick is not only funny, he's clever, creative, and smart too - find out how to improve the performance of your LONG and LOB objects!
- Alternate: C05 - Best Practices Upgrade to DB2 10.5 with BLU Acceleration (DB2 for LUW - I) Melanie Stopfer is also known for awesome presentations!
- D06 - Sage Advice: 20 Invaluable DB2 LUW Performance Insights from Around the Globe (DB2 for LUW - II) Scott Hayes will reveal new, secret, never discussed before, DB2 LUW performance insights!
- DBI VSP: Experience the Magic of DBI: Successfully Tuning DB2 LUW in 30 seconds! Every session attendee will receive some nice gifts, plus a Beats Pill Speaker by Dr. Dre will be raffled off!
- C07 - Nifty Performance Tricks: Essentials for Success. (DB2 for LUW - I)
- C08: DB2 DPF Tips and Tricks: UNIX, SQL Scripts and More for Lazy DBAs (alternate presentation)
Thursday 15 May
Don't miss the Passport to Prizes drawing at 12:45pm in the Exhibit Hall! You must be present to win!
- G09 - Monetary Cost of SQL (Ala Carte)
- C10 - DB2 DPF Successes: Monitoring and Tuning a hybrid IBM Infosphere Warehouse (DB2 for LUW - I)
- C11 - DB2 LUW Performance FAQs, volume 4: Demystifying more Mysteries! (DB2 for LUW - I)
- G12 - Effective DB2 for LUW Memory Management (Ala Carte)
Friday 16 May
- C13 - What are you waiting for? (DB2 for LUW - I) Paul Turpin is a good speaker with always helpful content!
- E14 - Finding Ca$h in the Cache: Leveraging DB2's Dynamic Statement Cache to Save Your Company Money (DB2 for Developers)
- C15 - Piercing the Middleware Curtain of Anonymity (DB2 for LUW - I)