Too often we find database people being excessively obsessed with rates, or chasing individual queries. Rates can vary day by day depending on the day of the week, the time of the month, or the hour of the day. Successful Performance Heroes will focus on reducing transaction costs to improve efficiency. Be a hero!
Cost Measurements:
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The Synchronous Read Percentage (SRP) metric:
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The Index Read Efficiency (IREF) Metric:
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You might think you have an OLTP transactional database. Or, you might think you have a Data Warehouse database. But what does your database think? How is it, or the queries within it, really performing?
The Average Result Set Size
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I told Kim that one of the first things I'd like to do would be to teach online excerpts from my IDUG Education Seminar "DB2 LUW Performance Diagnosis Lab".
So, let's get started.
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Best regards,
Scott Hayes
President & CEO, DBI
IBM GOLD Consultant
IBM Data Champion