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The DB2Night Show Z32: "Willie's Brain Dump - Part 2"

Presented by: Willie Favero
IBM DB2 for z/OS Swat Team, IBM Silicon Valley Lab

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Willie talked about Explain, sort, bufferpools and other topics. The information was experience-based and invaluable. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #94: IBM DB2 LUW Data Warehouse Performance

Glen Sheffield, Haider Rizvi, Mike Kwok, Scott Hayes

Special Guests: Glen Sheffield, Haider Rizvi, Michael Kwok, IBM Canada

IBM DB2 LUW Data Warehouse Performance

97% of our studio audience learned something! Our IBM Canada guests shared with us the latest news, tips, and advice for Data Warehouse Performance. Their updates included information about IBM pureSystems and DB2 10 for LUW. Watch our replay for details...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Z31: "DB2 XXL - How to handle large volumes of data?"

Presented by: Klaas Brant
IBM Champion & Gold Consultant, KBCE

"The DB2Night Show Z31: DB2 XXL - How to handle large volumes of data?"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something! Klaas talked about techniques to improve performance and the management of large tables. Watch the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #93: Big Thoughts on Big Data for DB2 People

Leon Katsnelson, IBM Canada

Special Guest: Leon Katsnelson, Program Director, IBM Canada


97%% of our studio audience learned something! Leon gave us a fantastic presentation on BIG DATA. Not only did he explain what it is and why it is important, but finally, at last, someone explained DB2's relationship with BIG DATA! Leon also talked about HADOOP and other important technologies. Watch our replay for details...

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by Scott in Cross Platform

The DB2Night Show Z30: "Finding Problems in a Mixed z/OS Environment"

Presented by: Jim Martin
Chief Architect, Fundi Software

"Finding Problems in a Mixed z/OS Environment"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

88% of our studio audience learned something! Jim talked about techniques and an IBM tool help follow a transaction across various z/OS environments including DB2. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #92: Breaking News from IBM Canada with guest Les King

Les King, IBM

Special Guest: Les King, Director Data Management, IBM Canada

Breaking News from IBM! New IBM PureSystems!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Les shared with us information about new IBM PureData Systems for Transactions, Analytics, and Operational Analytics. No cost evaluations are available. Watch our replay for details...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Z29: "You CAN Teach an Old Programmer New Tricks"

Presented by: Bonnie Baker
IBM Gold Consultant

"You CAN Teach an Old Programmer New Tricks"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Bonnie talked about new techniques and what to ensure good DB2 application performance. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z28: Willie Favero's DB2 for z/OS "Brain Dump" Part 1

Presented by: Willie Favero
Senior Certified Consulting IT Software Specialist Data Warehouse for System z Swat Team - DB2 SME

Willie Favero's "Brain Dump" on DB2 for z/OS, Part 1
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something! Willie talked about statistics, plan management, DSNZPARMS, and other cool and useful stuff! Watch the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #91: Top DB2 LUW Performance FAQs with Steve Rees, Part 2

Steve Rees, IBM

Special Guest: Steve Rees, Performance Specialist, IBM Canada

Top DB2 LUW Performance FAQs, Part 2

100% of our studio audience learned something! Steve talked about monitor table functions and admin views, strange numbers in the monitors, literals versus parameter markers in dynamic SQL, the Statement Concentrator (STMT_CONC) - when to use it and when not to use it, improving performance of LOBs, temporary tables, virtualizing DB2 workloads, tips for large partitions, and much more!!! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #90: Top DB2 LUW Performance FAQs with Steve Rees, IBM

Steve Rees, IBM

Special Guest: Steve Rees, Performance Specialist, IBM Canada

Top 11 DB2 LUW Performance FAQs, Part 1

100% of our studio audience learned something! Steve talked about DB2 archive logs, solid state disk, prefetchers and cleaners, DB2_PARALLEL_IO, dirty steals, bulk insert performance, currently committed isolation level, and much, much more!!! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #87: DB2 LUW Reducing CPU and I/O Consumption

Andrew Endicott

Special Guest: Andrew Endicott, DBA Manager, Cardinal Health

DB2 LUW Performance Tuning: Reducing CPU and I/O, Achieving Performance Gains, while lowering IT Infrastructure Costs

In our Season #3 finale, Scott Hayes was joined by Andrew Endicott, DBA Manager at Cardinal Health, for a lively discussion about DB2 LUW Performance Tuning. Andrew described how he has helped his organization avoid costly hardware and license upgrades while improving quality of service for his user community. Remarkably, all of this has been achieved while doubling the size of his SAP footprint and without adding any head count. How did Andrew achieve all this? Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #76: Netezza Architecture, Compression, Performance, ...

Pat Bates

Special Guest: Pat Bates, WW Tech Sales, IBM

High Performance Analytical Data Warehouse using IBM Netezza Appliance 1000 - Best Practices

Our serial guest, Pat Bates, shared with our audience information about Netezza! He covered architecture, the "secret sauce", compression, performance, administration, do's and don'ts, and best practices too. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in Cross Platform

The DB2Night Show Z27: Explaining EXPLAIN - DB2 10 Edition

Presented by: Willie Favero
Senior Certified Consulting IT Software Specialist Data Warehouse for System z Swat Team - DB2 SME

Explaining EXPLAIN - DB2 10 Edition
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

EVERYBODY (100%) in our audience learned something! Our studio poll showed that explain is not a piece of cake. But Willie did a great job on explaining all the new thhings in explain. Do you want to know what's new? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #89: DB2 LUW 10 Performance Enhancements! PERFORMANCE!

Pat Bates

Special Guest: Pat Bates, WW Tech Sales, IBM

DB2 LUW 10.1 Performance Enhancements

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Pat Bates, shared with our audience information about new features of DB2 10 that deliver remarkable performance gains. CPU Parallelism, Index Jump Scans, Zig-Zag Joins, Index Read-Ahead, and more were discussed! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #88: DB2 LUW 10 Real-Time Data Warehousing

Pat Bates

Special Guest: Pat Bates, WW Tech Sales, IBM

DB2 LUW 10.1 Real-Time Data Warehousing

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Pat Bates, shared with our audience information about the new INGEST utility and adaptive compression in DB2 10.1. Pat's presentation is rich with examples, illustrations, and sample DDL and SQL commands. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #77: DB2 LUW 10 Temporal Queries and Analytics

Pat Bates

Special Guest: Pat Bates, WW Tech Sales, IBM

Temporal Queries and Analytics in an IBM InfoSphere Warehouse Environment

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Pat Bates, shared with our audience information about temporal tables and queries in DB2 10.1. Pat's presentation is rich with examples, illustrations, and sample DDL and SQL commands. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #86: DB2 LUW Workload Manager Best Practices - Updated!

Paul Bird

Special Guest: Paul Bird, STSM, IBM Canada

DB2 LUW Workload Manager Best Practices!
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Paul Bird, shared with our audience his latest work in the area of DB2 LUW Workload Manager Best Practices with a focus on data warehouse databases. He was joined by Serge Boivin, Senior Writer, IBM, who shared information about the portfolio of best practices papers that are available. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #85: Advanced Application Design Techniques

Sanjay Kumar

Special Guest: Sanjay Kumar, Author

DB2 LUW Advance Application Design Techniques
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Sanjay Kumar, shared with our audience information from his book IBM DB2 9.7 Advanced Application Developer Cookbook. Sanjay covered Stored Procedures, OLAP Functions, DB2 Optimization Profiles, and many tips for writing good performing SQL! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #84: DB2 LUW HADR Updates and Best Practices

Vikram Khatri, IBM

Special Guest: Vikram Khatri, IBM

DB2 LUW HADR: Updates and Best Practices
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Vikram Khatri, shared with our audience his expert advice, experience, and best practices on DB2 LUW HADR, including DB2 10.1 updates! Vikram provided sample commands and outputs! His presentation is your recipe for HADR success! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Z26: Memory Management in DB2 10 for z/OS

Presented by: Julian Stuhler
An IBM Gold Consultant, Data Champion and former IDUG President - Director / Head of Solutions Delivery at Triton Consulting - UK

Memory Management in DB2 10 for z/OS
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98 % of our audience learned something! The one thing we cannot enough from is memory. DB2 has always had a reputation for being memory hungry. Any idea where all that memory goes? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z25: Hash Access - The HDAM DB2 Table?

Presented by: Phil Grainger
IBM Champion - Grainger Database Solutions Ltd. - UK

Hash Access - The HDAM DB2 Table?
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Today we have a topic that makes IMS people smile. DB2 has a new type of table called hashing which looks a lot like a HDAM database in IMS. Back to the future! No idea what HDAM is? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z23: Information Governance for MDM and Reference data

Presented by: Jan Henderykcx
IBM Gold Consultant - Envizion Cvba - Belgium

Information Governance for MDM and Reference data. Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

95% of our audience learned something! Today we have a "off-topic" subject. Not hard-core but very interesting! Do you want to know more about Master Data Management is? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #83: DB2 pureScale - WHAT EVERY DBA NEEDS to KNOW!

Maria Schwenger, IBM

Special Guest: Maria Schwenger, IBM

DB2 pureScale: CRUCIAL Things EVERY DBA Must Know!
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

96% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Maria Schwenger, shared with our audience her expert advice, experience, and best practices on DB2 pureScale. From installation to configuration, hardware, and monitoring, Maria covered "the works"! Several command examples were included as well. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Z24: DB2 Utilities - An update

Presented by: Klaas Brant
IBM Gold Consultant - KBCE b.v.

DB2 Utilities - An update
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Today we have a whole chapter from the official KBCE DB2 V8 to V10 training. All about utilities and what has changed in V9 and V10. Watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #82: DB2 LUW 9.7 Fixpack "Pearls" - cool new stuff!

Iqbal Goralwalla, Triton Consulting

Special Guest: Iqbal Goralwalla
Principal Consultant, Triton Consulting, UK

LISTAGG, db2cklog, db2pd, db2caem, db2support, and more!
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Iqbal Goralwalla, shared with our audience his advice, tips, and experience with new commands and features delivered via DB2 9.7 Fixpacks. His findings and advice are PRICELESS. Several command examples are presented. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #81: DB2 LUW V10 Breaking News Part 2 with IBM Guests

Special Guests: Danny Arnold and Glen Sheffield
Destined to be another 2012 Top 10 Downloads Favorite!

DB2 LUW 10.1! Adaptive Compression, HADR, Time Travel Queries, ZigZag Joins, and MORE!
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

Again, 100% of our audience learned something! Our special guests, Danny Arnold, IBM Executive IT Specialist, and Glen Sheffield, IBM Toronto Data Warehouse and Big Data Specialist, shared with us Part 2 of our deep dive into What's New in DB2 LUW V10. Adaptive Compression, High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) Enhancements, Time Travel Queries, ZigZag joins, and more performance enhancements were discussed, and sample SQL commands were shared to illustrate the concepts! What did you miss? Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Z22: Essential things you must know about DB2 and WLM

Special Guest: Cristian Molaro
IBM Gold Consultant - Mconsulting

Essential things you must know about DB2 and WLM
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Cristian Molaro, presented about WLM in a very practical way. This session has many hints and tips how to get the maximum out of DB2 with WLM enabled as performance manager. Did you know that DDF runs at a very low priority when you run with default WLM settings? This is just one of the tips from Cristian. Watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #80: DB2 LUW V10 Breaking News Part 1 with IBM Guests

Special Guests: Danny Arnold and Glen Sheffield
Destined to be a 2012 Top 10 Downloads Favorite!

DB2 LUW 10.1! STOGROUPS, WLM, RCAC, and More!
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Our special guests, Danny Arnold, IBM Executive IT Specialist, and Glen Sheffield, IBM Toronto Data Warehouse and Big Data Specialist, shared with us Part 1 of our deep dive into What's New in DB2 LUW V10. Storage Groups, Workload Manager Enhancements, and Row and Column Access Controls were covered, and many example SQL commands were shared to illustrate the concepts! What did you miss? Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

Episode #Z21: DB2 10 Data Sharing: New Features and Member Consolidation

Special Guest: Susan Lawson
IBM Gold Consultant - Principal YL&A Inc.

All about new features in DB2 10 and member consolidation
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Susan Lawson, presented what is new in Data Sharing in the DB2 10 release. Her second part is all about member consolidation. As you will see in the presentation is removing members a task that needs a lot of planning. Watch and learn...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #79: The PROACTIVE DBA with guest Michael Tiefenbacher

Special Guest: Michael Tiefenbacher
Data Management Specialist, IDS Systems, Germany

Several Useful SQL Examples!
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

93% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Michael Tiefenbacher, shared with our audience his advice and tips for reporting key database performance metrics to management. Michael provided several example SQL commands that you can use to report service levels, up-time, and more. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW
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