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The DB2Night Show z41: New DB2 V10 Functionality Implemented at Anixter

Presented by: Damon Anderson and Steven Loesch

"The DB2Night Show z41: New DB2 V10 Functionality Implemented at Anixter"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Steve and Damon gave practical user tips and experiences for managing DB2 10. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show z40: Dynamic SQL, Pros and Cons

Presented by: Klaas Brant
IBM Gold Consultant & IM Champion

"The DB2Night Show z40: Dynamic SQL, Pros and Cons"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something! Klaas presented many characteristics and considerations for using dynamic SQL. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show z38: zIIPs and zAAPs in DB2 10

Presented by: Cristian Molaro
IBM IM Champion and Gold Consultant

"The DB2Night Show z38: zIIPs and zAAPs in DB2 10"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Cristian described zIIPs and zAAPS, and provided techniques to estimate savings, and for eligibility and monitoring. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show z37: Application Tuning Revisited

Presented by: Martin Hubel
MHC Inc., IBM IM Champion

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Martin presented his approaches to application problem solving and tuning. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show z36: "Agile Big Data Analytics"

Presented by: Dave Beulke
IBM Gold Consultant and IM Champion

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

92% of our studio audience learned something! Dave presented his experiences on implementing a time-constrainted project to implement a 22-billion row data warehouse. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show z35: "DB2 V10 Hint Functions for Dynamic SQL"

Presented by: Gerald Hodge
HLS Technologies

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

92% of our studio audience learned something! Gerry presented a detailed how-to on dynamic SQL hints for DB2 for z/OS 10. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z34: "IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator: The Next Generation"

Presented by: Namik Hrle
IBM Distinguished Engineer, IBM Germany

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Namik presented the advantages and improvements in the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA),including improvements introduced after V2. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z33: "Why to REBIND or NOT to REBIND is STILL a QUESTION"

Presented by: Cristian Molaro
IBM Gold Consultant, M Consulting

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

Cristian spoke about the importance of rebinding to obtain DB2 10 performance benefits, plan management, and the new Bind features in DB2 10 for z/OS. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z32: "Willie's Brain Dump - Part 2"

Presented by: Willie Favero
IBM DB2 for z/OS Swat Team, IBM Silicon Valley Lab

Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Willie talked about Explain, sort, bufferpools and other topics. The information was experience-based and invaluable. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z31: "DB2 XXL - How to handle large volumes of data?"

Presented by: Klaas Brant
IBM Champion & Gold Consultant, KBCE

"The DB2Night Show Z31: DB2 XXL - How to handle large volumes of data?"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something! Klaas talked about techniques to improve performance and the management of large tables. Watch the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z30: "Finding Problems in a Mixed z/OS Environment"

Presented by: Jim Martin
Chief Architect, Fundi Software

"Finding Problems in a Mixed z/OS Environment"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

88% of our studio audience learned something! Jim talked about techniques and an IBM tool help follow a transaction across various z/OS environments including DB2. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z29: "You CAN Teach an Old Programmer New Tricks"

Presented by: Bonnie Baker
IBM Gold Consultant

"You CAN Teach an Old Programmer New Tricks"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something! Bonnie talked about new techniques and what to ensure good DB2 application performance. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z28: Willie Favero's DB2 for z/OS "Brain Dump" Part 1

Presented by: Willie Favero
Senior Certified Consulting IT Software Specialist Data Warehouse for System z Swat Team - DB2 SME

Willie Favero's "Brain Dump" on DB2 for z/OS, Part 1
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our studio audience learned something! Willie talked about statistics, plan management, DSNZPARMS, and other cool and useful stuff! Watch the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z27: Explaining EXPLAIN - DB2 10 Edition

Presented by: Willie Favero
Senior Certified Consulting IT Software Specialist Data Warehouse for System z Swat Team - DB2 SME

Explaining EXPLAIN - DB2 10 Edition
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

EVERYBODY (100%) in our audience learned something! Our studio poll showed that explain is not a piece of cake. But Willie did a great job on explaining all the new thhings in explain. Do you want to know what's new? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z26: Memory Management in DB2 10 for z/OS

Presented by: Julian Stuhler
An IBM Gold Consultant, Data Champion and former IDUG President - Director / Head of Solutions Delivery at Triton Consulting - UK

Memory Management in DB2 10 for z/OS
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98 % of our audience learned something! The one thing we cannot enough from is memory. DB2 has always had a reputation for being memory hungry. Any idea where all that memory goes? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z25: Hash Access - The HDAM DB2 Table?

Presented by: Phil Grainger
IBM Champion - Grainger Database Solutions Ltd. - UK

Hash Access - The HDAM DB2 Table?
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our audience learned something! Today we have a topic that makes IMS people smile. DB2 has a new type of table called hashing which looks a lot like a HDAM database in IMS. Back to the future! No idea what HDAM is? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z23: Information Governance for MDM and Reference data

Presented by: Jan Henderykcx
IBM Gold Consultant - Envizion Cvba - Belgium

Information Governance for MDM and Reference data. Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

95% of our audience learned something! Today we have a "off-topic" subject. Not hard-core but very interesting! Do you want to know more about Master Data Management is? Then watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z24: DB2 Utilities - An update

Presented by: Klaas Brant
IBM Gold Consultant - KBCE b.v.

DB2 Utilities - An update
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Today we have a whole chapter from the official KBCE DB2 V8 to V10 training. All about utilities and what has changed in V9 and V10. Watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show Z22: Essential things you must know about DB2 and WLM

Special Guest: Cristian Molaro
IBM Gold Consultant - Mconsulting

Essential things you must know about DB2 and WLM
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Cristian Molaro, presented about WLM in a very practical way. This session has many hints and tips how to get the maximum out of DB2 with WLM enabled as performance manager. Did you know that DDF runs at a very low priority when you run with default WLM settings? This is just one of the tips from Cristian. Watch, learn and enjoy...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

Episode #Z21: DB2 10 Data Sharing: New Features and Member Consolidation

Special Guest: Susan Lawson
IBM Gold Consultant - Principal YL&A Inc.

All about new features in DB2 10 and member consolidation
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Susan Lawson, presented what is new in Data Sharing in the DB2 10 release. Her second part is all about member consolidation. As you will see in the presentation is removing members a task that needs a lot of planning. Watch and learn...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z20: Data Skew and Real World Performance Solutions

Special Guest: Cristian Molaro
IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant

Expert Advice and Solid Solutions
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

98% of our audience learned something! Our special guest, Christian Molaro, DB2 Independent Specialist, shared with our audience the perils of Data Skew and provided solid, workable performance solutions. What did you miss? Watch the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z19: Ten reasons to move to DB2 10 in 2012

Special Guest: Klaas Brant, CEO KBCE b.v.

In episode Z19, your host Klaas Brant is also the presenter. He reviews the many new options and features in DB2 10. From all the new features, it becomes clear there are at least 10 reason why migration to DB2 10 is a good idea! Watch the replay...

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z17: DB2 Application Performance Tuning, Trending ...

Special Guest: Phil Grainger, Grainger Database Solutions Ltd.

In episode Z17 our special guest Phil Grainger (Grainger Database Solutions Ltd. ) takes us on a tour through the alphabet on all kinds of DB2 Application Performance topics. This show is packed with hint and tips including the APAR numbers where to find more detailed information.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z16: IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator

Special Guest: Namik Hrle, IBM

IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator: "a DB2 Query Performance Revolution..."

In episode z16 our special guest Namik Hrle (an IBM Distinguished Engineer from the IBM Boeblingen Lab in Germany ) gives us a deep dive into the new technology called "IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator" aka IDAA. This specialized DB2 engine is based on a Netezza appliance and can boost your (data warehouse) queries significantly.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z15: DB2 search and scroll techniques

Special Guest: Dan Luksetich, YL&A Inc.

In episode Z15 our special guest Dan Luksetich (a IBM Champion) gave us an overview of DB2 search and scroll techniques. If you are into SQL then you are going to enjoy this show. A must download!!

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z14: Hot SQL and Index Features in DB2 10

Special Guest: Sheryl Larsen, Sheryl M. Larsen Inc., Chicago USA

In episode Z14 our special guest Sheryl Larsen (a IBM Gold Consultant and IBM Champion) gave us an overview of some HOT SQL features and Index changes in DB2 10.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z12: Data Warehousing Perf. & DB2 10 Temporal Tables

Special Guest: Dave Beulke, CEO of Pragmatic Solutions, Inc.,USA

In episode #Z12 our special guest Dave Beulke (CEO Pragmatic Solutions, Inc. / IBM GOLD Consultant / IBM Champion ) shared a lot of his DB2 Data Warehousing tips and Tricks. Dave works with large enterprises to optimize their Data Warehouse. In this session he will explain what he does to make sure Data Warehouses of many billion row can perform well in DB2.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z11: First Look at Changes to DSNZPARMs by DB2 10

Special Guest: Willie Favero, IBM, USA

Willie: "My presentations are like water, give me a space and I fill it..."

In episode #Z11 our special guest Willie Favero (IBM Senior Certified Consulting IT Software Specialist) teaches you what has changed in DSNZPARM's coming from DB2 V8 or DB2 9. A 90 minute high tech talk from one of the best known IBM Software Specialists.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #Z10: DB2 XML - It is all about SQL/XML and XPath

Host and presenter: Klaas Brant, KBCE, Netherlands

You can run but you cannot hide!

In episode #Z10, host and presenter Klaas Brant (IBM Gold Consultant and IBM Champion) gives an overview of the IBM PureXML technology. From the polls you can read that some people are into XML because they have to. Because XML is widely used as exchange mechanism it is just a matter of time before you have to use XML as well.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS

#Z09 Distributed access to DB2 for z/OS Successful administration

Special guest: Cristian Molaro, Belgium

This show did not go like I had planned. I knew that being in the hotel for the DB2 Symposium in Chicago I could expect trouble, but not the kind of trouble I did run into. But in the end everybody could enjoy Cristian's presentation so I guess all's well that ends well.

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by klaas in DB2 z/OS
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