Presented by: Steen Rasmussen
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Presented by: Steen Rasmussen
@dalemmcinnis |
Special Guest: Dale McInnis
Presented by: James Pickel
Follow @IBM_Paul_Bird |
Special Guests: Roger Sanders and Paul Bird, IBM
Db2 Science Projects: IoT Project Pollinator and GWLM Tool100% of our audience learned something! It's a special show when we have two guests! Roger Sanders introduced us to Project Pollinator and showed us his pet Internet of Things (IoT) Db2 project - Fascinating! And Paul Bird introduced us to a rather new "free" Graphical Workload Manager (GWLM) tool that is available to help make administering Db2 workload management easier! Watch the replay, get the details, follow the links, and enjoy the PDFs! |
Presented by: Patrick Bossman
@ember_crooks |
Special Guest: Ember Crooks
Follow @jrockwood |
Special Guests: Roger Sanders and Jessica Rockwood, IBM
Breaking Db2 (LUW) News from the IBM Canada Lab100% of our audience learned something! Shocker! "DB2 for LUW" is now just "Db2". Mainframe folks will still have to type out "Db2 for z/OS". Some IBM products, or solution offerings, have been renamed. What's new? Well, V11.1.2.2 is new, and there are plenty of goodies and enhancements in it. There's a new DSM release. There are new (free) editions of Db2. A PDF is available for reference, but make sure you download and watch a replay too! So much more is said than what is on the slides, and the questions at the end are excellent. Enjoy... |
Presented by: Adrian Burke
@ember_crooks |
Special Guest: Ember Crooks
Presented by: Peter Bendel
Presented by: Jeff Josten
Follow @rcollins963 |
Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors
DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 392% of our audience learned something! If you want to earn DB2 LUW V11 IBM Certifications, there are no better teachers than the professionals that are writing the exams and Certification Study Guides! Watch this replay and learn about DB2 LUW V11, RCAC, Security, Trusted Contexts, utilities, and more! Sample Certification Questions are included in the video replay too! |
Presented by: Tony Andrews
Special Guests: Terry Johnson, IDUG Conference Chair, and Paul Turpin, President IDUG Board
ALL ABOUT IDUG Anaheim100% of our audience learned something! Terry told us all about the upcoming IDUG Conference in Anaheim California, April 30-May 4. This year the conference format is "new and improved", so be sure to listen to the changes to make the most of your IDUG DB2 Tech Conference experience! Paul Turpin also shared with us news about the IDUG Data Tech Summit - which is essentially a conference within the IDUG conference that will be focused on emerging IBM technologies. Please enjoy our replay, and we look forward to seeing you at IDUG! |
Follow @rcollins963 |
Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors
DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 2100% of our audience learned something! If you want to earn DB2 LUW V11 IBM Certifications, there are no better teachers than the professionals that are writing the exams and Certification Study Guides! Watch this replay and learn about DB2 LUW V11, BLU, DPF/MPP, pureScale, and more! Sample Certification Questions are provided too! |
Follow @rcollins963 |
Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors
DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 1100% of our audience learned something! If you want to earn DB2 LUW V11 IBM Certifications, there are no better teachers than the professionals that are writing the exams and Certification Study Guides! Watch this replay and learn about DB2 LUW V11, BLU, DPF/MPP, pureScale, and more! Sample Certification Questions are provided too! |
Special Guest: Martin Hubel
Presented by: Sheryl Larsen
Special Guest: Scott Hayes, DBI Software
Sage DB2 LUW Performance Advice
Special Guest: George Baklarz, Program Director, IBM Canada
New & Updated FREE Resources to help you succeed with DB2 LUW V11.1Again, 100% of our audience learned something! When you listen to our replay, take note of the millions of miles that George has flown around the world. While he's on the airplanes, he writes books and develops really cool tools to help learn about DB2. During this show, you'll learn about his new V11 e-book and updated tools: "DB2 Demo", "DB2 Compression Estimator", and "pureScale Simulator." Links to these resources are provided. Bonus: Learn about DB2 V11's unofficial support of JSON and please take our one question poll. Enjoy... |
Presented by: Klaas Brant
Special Guest: Les King, Director of Big Things, IBM
BigInsights 4.2 and BigSQL Drill Down!Again, 100% of our audience learned something!For DB2 Folks, Les King took us on an informative journey into some IBM BigData solutions with a focus on BigSQL. Watch our replay and you'll see how IBM BigInsights BigSQL will allow you to run your favorite SQL against Hadoop. BigSQL is powered by DB2 - The Common Analytics Engine (CAE). Fascinating... Enjoy... |
Presented by: Dave Beulke
Special Guest: Nailah Bissoon, Performance Architect, IBM BigSQL
Monitoring IBM BigInsights BigSQL
Presented by: Adrian Burke
Special Guest: Les King, Director of Big Things, IBM
DB2 - The Corner Stone of the
Special Guest: Roger Sanders, Author, Teacher, and Security Guru, IBM
DB2 LUW Security:
Special Guest: Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 LUW Brain Surgeon
DB2 LUW V11.1 UPGRADE Best Practices
Presented by: Jeff Josten
Special Guest: David Kalmuk, STSM, IBM Canada
DB2 LUW Advanced Performance Diagnostics for SQL100% of our audience learned something! David gave us another great IDUG presentation packed with tips and advice for monitoring and diagnosing performance issues in DB2 LUW. A PDF handout is available so you can copy/paste from his SQL examples! Watch and learn... |