The DB2Night Show #45: DB2'S GOT TALENT! Top 7 Seek YOUR Votes!

Posted by Scott on March 11, 2011, 12:17 pm
in Cross Platform ( The DB2Night Show)

This was another great show for learning DB2 tips and techniques! Our contestants focused on DB2 commands: db2move, db2look, db2top, z/OS report utility, db2dart, and db2caem! 100% of today's studio audience indicated that they learned something that would be helpful to their jobs!!! Our Top 7 DB2's GOT TALENT Finalists need your votes! Watch the replay, learn helpful DB2 tips, then PLEASE VOTE!
This was another great show for learning DB2 tips and techniques! Our contestants focused on DB2 commands: db2move, db2look, db2top, z/OS report utility, db2dart, and db2caem! 100% of today's studio audience indicated that they learned something that would be helpful to their jobs!!! Our Top 7 DB2's GOT TALENT Finalists need your votes! Watch the replay, learn helpful DB2 tips, then PLEASE VOTE!

Our Finalists and their Topics

John presented on using db2look with DB2 z/OS. Unfortunately for John, he didn't capture enough votes to continue and our judges did not save him.

Raja had planned on talking about db2advis but was absent from today's show. He is disqualified from continuing.


Congratulations to Meir Sebbag! Meir voted in the 4 March 2011 DB2's GOT TALENT Finals Round 1 and was randomly selected (live on the air! ) to win a $25 Gift Certificate! Watching the Replay and Voting can be REWARDING! icon_wink

Watch the Replay

To download a recorded replay of Episode #45, right click on the link below and choose "Save As..."

Episode 45, 11 March 2011, DB2's GOT TALENT Finals Round #2.

Have an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the M4V ( MP4 ) format!

Vote for your favorite finalists!

If you were in our studio audience, or if you downloaded and watched the replay, PLEASE VOTE for your favorite Contestants here:

We will randomly select a voter to win a $25 electronic gift certificate. Limit one vote per computer. The polls close at 3pm Central on 17 March 2011. The Top 5 Finalists that receive the most votes will compete again on 18 March 2011.

Thank you to all of our finalists! We appreciate your willingness to share your DB2 knowledge with the DB2 community. Be sure to spread the word about this replay, The DB2Night Show, and make sure your friends and business contacts vote!

Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn Group

The DB2Night Show™ now has a LinkedIn Group. The group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates including future shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group!

DBI's Shameless Marketing Moment

During today's quick commercial break, DBI demonstrated best practices for using the db2advis command with Brother-Panther®. We analyzed the SQL workload for the entire month of February 2011, then passed the four most costly SQL statements to db2advis as a workload. db2advis, the IBM DB2 Design Advisor, works BEST when a workload of multiple SQL statements is passed into it. In the demonstration, the db2advis command gave advice for reducing the workload cost by over 99%! As Finalist Norberto pointed out, the db2top command is a useful tool for analyzing real-time performance - but DBI's Brother-Panther allows you to analyze SQL workloads for any timeframe of interest!

Have you read these DB2 LUW Performance blogs? You should!

Please look for
DBI's new ad in IBM Data Management Magazine. Our ad is on the inside back cover. Look for instructions on how you can get a new white paper "IBM DB2 LUW Critical Performance Measurements" which provides SQL commands and actionable tuning advice!

Our #1 Job is helping you look great!

Our #2 Job is giving you the documentation to prove it!

Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs.

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