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Db2® LUW Performance Tools
company in the World

The DB2Night Show #213: Db2 LUW Native Encryption - What to Expect!

Paul Bird, STSM, IBM Toronto Lab


Special Guest: Paul Bird
IBM Toronto Lab

Db2 LUW Native Encryption: What to Expect when you're Expecting to Encrypt!

100% of our audience learned something!Paul gave us an excellent presentation about Db2 LUW Native Encryption that covered Performance, Operational, and Availability considerations. Mind your keys! Watch and learn...

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by nightshow in DB2 LUW

Db2Night Show #z95: Db2 Batch System Design for High Performance

Presented by: Neal Lozins

"The DB2Night Show #Z95: Db2 Batch System Design for High Performance"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

94% of our studio audience learned something!Neal described the issues, challenges and techniques for designing optimal batch applications. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS
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