Presented by: Damon Anderson and Steven Loesch
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Presented by: Damon Anderson and Steven Loesch
Special Guests: Ember Crooks, Rosetta, and Fred Sobotka, FRS Consulting
DB2 LUW Potluck - DB2 Experts Review Insights from IBM IOD 201388% of our studio audience learned something! 12% attended for the humor! During this episode of The DB2Night Show™, Ember and Fred shared with us what they learned and observed at IBM IOD 2013. Find HADR tidbits and more, plus some great advice if you are thinking about attending IBM Insights in 2014! Watch and learn... |
Special Guest: Lee Goddard, Chief Performance Architect, DBI Software
17 Laws of building Petabyte Level DB and Big Data Systems96% of our studio audience learned something! During this episode of The DB2Night Show™, Lee Goddard shared invaluable insights on the laws of very large databases! Odds are very high you are going to learn something helpful! Watch and learn... |