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Database Performance Tools
company in the World

Verify Success!

Were the solutions successful?

President Ronald Reagan famously said "Trust but Verify". Measuring the performance consequences of any changes (hardware, software, applications, configuration, or indexes) is critically important. In the wake of changes, management will want to know if database systems are running faster or slower, plus know the impacts to system resource utilizations. As a DBA or DBA manager, you will want to document your performance tuning successes --- this is the path to getting bonuses, raises, achieving objectives, or even just keeping your job! DBI pureFeat provides two very valuable methods for measuring the performance impacts of change.
  1. DBI provides trend charts with change events plotted on the charts. The plotted change events are important because they give you context information about the graphed results.
  2. DBI provides robust, side-by-side, before and after, performance comparisons at both the database and SQL statement levels. After any change occurs, users can see changes to transaction response times, CPU utilization, SLA (Service Level Agreement) attainments, bufferpool hit ratios, and dozens more database KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). From the database change summary display, users can, with one mouse click, get a PDF report of all changes that occurred between the two compared timeframes or drill down to a SQL statement performance comparisons. If performance degraded, the PDF report is invaluable for determining what changes were made, and which should perhaps be reversed. The SQL statement performance comparison is absolutely priceless for determining the details of which statements improved and which degraded.
This cannot be described by words alone, so please enjoy a short video clip that illustrates DBI's industry unique comparison capabilities:

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DBI pureFeat™ Performance Suite for IBM® DB2® LUW includes:

DB2 Tip

For any given SQL statement, divide the number of Index Logical Reads by the number of Executions.

If the value is zero, the SQL is doing a table scan. If the value is in the range of 1-100, that's probably good.

If the value is in the 100's or 1000's, then the SQL is doing an expensive index leaf page scan which burns up CPU and can cause locking problems.

Compare Tools for IBM® DB2® LUW

Compare DBI's Integrated Suite of DB2 Performance Analysis, Tuning, Trending, and Alerting tools with IBM OPM and Quest.
IBM DB2 LUW Tools Comparison
Compare Brother-Hawk to the IBM DB2 LUW Health Monitor!