Posted on 9/6/2013
 | Special Guests: Berni Schiefer, Jessica Rockwood, Michael Kwok, IBM CanadaIBM DB2 10.5 BLU Early Experiences and Best Practices96% of our studio audience learned something! During this episode of The DB2Night Show™, our IBM Canada guests took us on an informational BLU adventure! Berni introduced this exciting new technology, Michael shared with us several early customer success stories, and then Jessica did an outstanding job of sharing current ( and evolving! ) BLU best practices! Our live audience asked several excellent questions at the end! Watch and learn... |
A message from our sponsor: DBI SoftwareDuring DBI's quick commercial break, we showed how DBI makes it easy to compare SQL workload performance between any two timeframes so that you can accurately ascertain the impacts of changes, fix packs, or new releases, or even compare the performance of queries running against classic versus BLU table! Don't fast forward through this educational commercial!Our #1 Job is helping you look great! Our #2 Job is giving you the documentation to prove it!Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs. Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryI'll be brief. Berni, Jessica, and Michael did an awesome job! My expectations were exceeded! If you're thinking about using IBM BLU technology, this show is an excellent introduction and reference! Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show™ has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! Insider InformationHere's another great reason to join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group: SECRET INSIDER INFORMATION. Every once in awhile, we run shows where EVERYONE in our studio audience can be a prize winner! JUST SHOW UP and COLLECT! We only announce these special shows within The DB2Night Show LinkedIn group!Everyone that attended Episode #110 Database Performance Trends and gave us the prize word SLIPPERS won a $10 gift certificate to,, or Starbucks, or we made donations to the American Red Cross or Big Brothers Big Sisters - at the choice of each show attendee! IT PAYS TO LEARN DB2 on The DB2Night Show! Get the Download ReplaysWMV FormatTo download a recorded replay of Episode #114 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #114, 6 September 2013, IBM DB2 BLU Early Experiences and Best Practices with Berni Schiefer, Jessica Rockwood, and Michael Kwok, IBM Canada MP4 FormatHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?See that "Mail this " link below? Click it and do a friend a favor - share this blog post and show with one of your friends or peers. THANKS! :icon_biggrin: Share a great show with your friends and followers: |