Posted on 2/21/2015

It's the International DB2 Olympics! | Today's Finalist Winners: Cristian, Leila, Akshat, & Rajesh100% of our studio audience learned something! Today's presentations were again very good considering that we had contestants from Austria, Iran, and India! It fascinates me that we can gather around our computers and learn from industry peers all over the world. You will learn about inline UDFs in DB2 V10/V11, Performance Optimization on SAP/DB2, Solving DBM1 high CPU usage, and lessons learned while upgrading DB2 LUW with avoiding pitfalls. This show contains another buffet of useful tips and advice! Enjoy! |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryWe had one contestant no-show, but everyone else remarkably showed up and gave good presentations! However, going into the March Finals we will only have 9 Finalists, not 10. Our esteemed, kind, loving, helpful judges, in their infinite collective wisdoms, selected Christian, Leila, and Akshat from today's auditions, plus the selected Rajesh as an alternate from our 6 February auditions. It's in the rules that we can change the rules. As such, our Top 9 Finalists will be... DB2's GOT TALENT Top 9 Finalists- Brandon, New Zealand
- Roberto, Mexico
- Pratik, India
- Sreeharsha, India
- Rohit, India
- Christian, Austria
- Leila, Iran
- Akshat, India
- Rajesh, India
A gift from Judge Susan Visser, @susvisSusan prepared a presentation on social enablement and has shared it on SlideShare. CLICK HERE to learn how to Tweet and use LinkedIn! NEWS FLASH! New DB2 10.1/10.5 Certification Book!On 27 February, Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, authors of the forthcoming new DB2 certification book, will be our guests. They will teach various certification topics from the book, plus offer tips and advice. Mohan, you might recall, won DB2's GOT TALENT 1st place in 2013. Kent was our guest on Episode #115 talking about his BLU and pureScale experiences. Make sure you join us on these dates - just register for DB2's GOT TALENT if you haven't already!It pays to learn DB2 on The DB2Night Show!We like giving away gift cards! It's fun! Due to GoToWebinar® limitations for repeating webinars, there was no post-show survey today. If you have any show feedback, please email us at the address within your GoToWebinar participant emails.I really appreciate that people participate in our polling questions. It is helpful and useful to know how our community is using DB2. So, just for fun, we're going to award an gift card to someone who participated in all of today's polling questions... (drum roll please) ... And the winner is Jeff Agosta with First Citizens in Raleigh North Carolina! Today we also asked people to Tweet "I love #DB2 @ibm_db2 @db2nightshow ... ", and at the end of our show @dbgresham won a $25 gift card! To all of our winners - please be patient on these gift cards. We issue them every four to five or so shows because bulk gift card orders save time.
A message from our sponsor: Triton ConsultingMainframe software charges – Are you paying too much? Take control of your workload peaks to reduce software license costs. Because mainframe software licence costs are based on peak usage it is vital to understand when and where these peaks occur. Triton can help you to regain control of your software charges by running an audit of your current environment and identifying when and where the workload peaks occur. Find out how our unique zTune service will identify potential mainframe workload management improvements that could immediately reduce your IT spend. 
Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show™ has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! Get the Download ReplaysWMV Format - approximately 55MBTo download a recorded replay of Episode #149 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #149, 20 February 2015, DB2's GOT TALENT Contestant Auditions #2! MP4 Format - standard resolution - 99MBHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?See that "Mail this " link below? Click it and do a friend a favor - share this blog post and show with one of your friends or peers. THANKS! :icon_biggrin: Share a great show with your friends and followers: |