Team with the best
Db2® LUW Performance Tools
company in the World

The DB2Night Show Episode #263: Monitoring and Tuning SQL Stored Procedure

Presented by: Philip Nelson
Lloyds Banking Group and Owning Partner, ScotDB Limited

"The DB2Night Show Episode #263: Monitoring and Tuning Native SQL Stored Procedures"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!This was an expert session. The presentation delivered a comprehensive focus on Monitoring and Tuning Native SQL Stored Procedures in Db2, offering invaluable insights to attendees. The session expertly covered critical aspects of SQL stored procedure performance tuning. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #256: Machine Learning Optimizer Feature in Db2

Presented by: Calisto Zuzarte
STSM, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #256: Machine Learning Optimizer Feature in Db2"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Calisto presented the capabilities of the machine learning optimizer. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #255: Db2 Always-On Architecture

Presented by: Dale McInnis
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #255: Db2 Always-On Architecture"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dale presented various high availability options and scenarios. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #254: Db2 UDFs: Beyond the Basics

Presented by Philip Nelson, Lloyds Bank/ ScotDB

"The DB2Night Show #254: Db2 UDFs: Beyond the Basics"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Phil gave a detailed presentation going beyond creating simple UDFs to look at more complex use cases and capabilities. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #253: Explain Essentials for Query Optimization

Presented by: John Hornibrook
STSM, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #253: Explain Essentials for Query Optimization"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!John presented the various types of Db2 explain functions and their various uses. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #252: SQL in Action: SQL Traps and Solutions

Presented by: Michael Tiefenbacher
IBM Champion, IBM Gold Consultant, Principal Consultant, MIP GmbH

SQL in Action: SQL Traps and Solutions

100% in our audience learned something! Michael discussed important considerations for writing SQL. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #251: What's New in Db2 V11.5.8

Presented by: Keri Romanufa
Chief Db2 Architect, IBM Toronto Lab

"The Db2Night Show 251: Db2 V11.5.8 Overview"
Replays available on Youtube and in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Keri presented a Db2 V11.5.8 Overview. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #250: A Db2 Security Primer

Presented by: Greg Stager
Developer, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #250: A Db2 Security Primer"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Greg presented a thorough introduction to using TLS with Db2 LUW 11.5. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show#249:Db2 Warehouse Reference Architectures for X86 & Power

Presented by: Les King & John Bell
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #249: Db2 Warehouse Reference Architectures for X86 & Power"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats, and on Youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Les and John Bell gave a great presentation on reference architectures and what they mean to the Db2 community. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #248: Db2 pureScale on AWS - The New Experience

Presented by: Alan Lee
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #248: Db2 pureScale on AWS - The New Experience"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats, and on Youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Alan gave a great presentation on Db2 pureScale on AWS. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #247: Db2 Click-2-Containerize

Presented by: George Baklarz
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #247: Db2 Click-2-Containerize"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats, and on Youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!George gave a great presentation on V2 of this important feature. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #246: Db2 Advanced Log Space Management - Unleashed

Presented by: Michael Roecken
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #246: Db2 Advanced Log Space Management - Unleashed"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Michael gave an important update to the latest log improvements in Db2 11.5.6. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #245: Db2U Current Capabilities and Future Direction

Presented by IBM: Aruna De Silva & Janpreet Singh Chandhok

"The DB2Night Show #245: Db2U Current Capabilities and Future Direction"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Aruna & Janpreet described the capabilities and intended direction for Db2U and containerization. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #244: Db2 AIX to X86 Linux Migration

Presented by: Dale McInnis
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #244: Db2 AIX to X86 Linux Migration"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dale covered the steps and options available for moving from AIX to Linux platforms. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #243: Techniques for Optimal DB Performance Part 2

Presented by Jim Bean, Performance & Forensics, Cigna

"The DB2Night Show #243: Techniques for Optimal DB Performance Part 1"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!In Part 2, Jim continues with part 2 of a detailed presentation on his Db2 LUW performance experience. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #242: Data Transformation & Watson Query

Presented by: Piotr Mierzejewski
Director Db2 LUW Development IBM Data & AI, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #242: Data Transformation & Watson Query"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats, and on youtube!

88% of our studio audience learned something!Piotr covered Watson Query and some Db2 V12 direction. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #241: The Db2 Access Plan Troubleshooting Handbook

Presented by: John Hornibrook
STSM, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #241: The Db2 Access Plan Troubleshooting Handbook"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!John presented how to diagnose access plan problems. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #240: Techniques for Optimal DB Performance Part 1

Presented by Jim Bean, Performance & Forensics, Cigna

"The DB2Night Show #240: Techniques for Optimal DB Performance Part 1"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!In Part 1, Jim presented the first half of a detailed presentation on his Db2 LUW performance experience. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #239: Db2 Blu Improvements

Presented by Satya Krishnaswamy, Program Director, IBM

"The DB2Night Show #239: Db2 Blu Improvements"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Satya gave a detailed overview of upcoming Db2 BLU improvements. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #238: Lessons Learned: Building Db2 HADR Clusters on AWS

Presented by Philip Nelson, Lloyds Bank/ ScotDB

"The DB2Night Show #238: Lessons Learned: Building Db2 HADR Clusters on AWS"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Phil gave a detailed presentation the how-tos of using Db2 in the cloud. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #237: Db2 REST — From Movie Recommendation to… Shazam!?

Presented by IBM: Tanmay Bakshi, Advisory Software Engineer

"The DB2Night Show #237: Db2 REST — From Movie Recommendation to… Shazam!?"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

91% of our studio audience learned something!Tanmay discussed Db2 Rest and gave a great demo. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #235: Db2 for LUW Latest News

Presented by: Piotr Mierzejewski
Director Db2 LUW Development IBM Data & AI, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #235: Db2 Latest News"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats, and on youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Piotr showed how Db2 continues to evolve. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #234: Db2 Query Optimization 101

Presented by: John Hornibrook
STSM, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #234: Db2 Query Optimization 101"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!John presented how Db2 query optimization works current to the latest release. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #233: Db2 Click-2-Containerize and Db2 on Cloud

Presented by IBM: Tanmay Sinha, Vinayak Agrawal & George Baklarz

"The DB2Night Show #233: Db2 Click-2-Containerize and Db2 on Cloud"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Tanmay, George and Vinayak discussed new tooling for moving Db2 databases to containers. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #232: Some Iterations Over Recursion

Presented by: Michael Tiefenbacher
Leiter Business Services ids-System GmbH
ids-System GmbH

Some Iterations Over Recursion

92% in our audience learned something! Michael gave an in-depth tutorial on SQL recursion. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #231: Db2 V11.5 Overview & Latest From the Lab

Presented by: Keri Romanufa
Chief Db2 Architect, IBM Toronto Lab

"The Db2Night Show 231: Db2 V11.5 Overview"
Replays available on Youtube and in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Keri presented a Db2 V11.5 Overview. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #230: Enterprise-Scale Machine Learning with IBM Db2

Presented by: Shaikh Quader, AI Architect for IBM Db2. IBM Toronto Lab

"The Db2Night Show 230: Enterprise-Scale Machine Learning with IBM Db2"
Replays available on Youtube and in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Shaikh presented Enterprise-Scale Machine Learning. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #229: Adaptive Workload Management

Presented by: David Kalmuk, STSM & Master Inventor. IBM Toronto Lab

"The Db2Night Show 229: Adaptive Workload Management: Overview and Best Practices"
Replays available on Youtube and in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!David presented Db2's Workload Manager with best practices. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #228: Docker Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Running Db2

Presented by: Ian Bjorhovde, Lead Db2 DBA. XTIVIA

"The Db2Night Show 228: Docker Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Running Db2"
Replays available on Youtube and in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Ian discussed some advanced topics in Db2 containerized implementations. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #227: A look at Graph and REST with Db2

Presented by: Dan Snoddy, Development Manager, IBM Toronto Lab

"The Db2Night Show 227: A look at Graph and REST with Db2"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dan discussed two exciting additions to Db2 11.5.4: Db2 Graph and Db2 Rest. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW
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